Whitehall Management Limited

Whitehall management Services

Our Range of Services Includes

Interim & Project Management

As companies strive to improve performance and efficiency, they frequently encounter a short term need for skills and expertise to reach a specific goal, but which they cannot afford as a full time employee or from a leading professional services firm. This is where we can help. Our network of finance and operations professionals have Blue Chip, Big Four or Leading Consultancy Firm experience, but typically at a fraction of the cost. Our professionals can assist you with short term senior management and leadership needs, particularly in finance and operational roles within financial institutions.

Go to ICE Control & Compliance Software

ICE Control & Compliance Software

ICE is an internal control and compliance platform. It helps organisations to design, document, monitor, audit, report on and continuously improve their internal control and compliance environment. This helps to both ensure and demonstrate design & operational effectiveness. ICE reduces the cost and complexity of compliance with regulations such as Sarbanes Oxley, FCA and the Corporate Governance Code, while minimising the risk of control failures and non-compliance incidents. Click the image above to be taken to our dedicated ICE website.

Go to Artificial Intelligence Training & Workshops

Artificial Intelligence Training & Workshops

We provide AI training workshops to help people get the most out of AI. The workshops cover an Introduction to AI, how to think about it, how to approach it. A methodical overview of a best practice framework for getting the most out of AI. A series of interspersed hands on practical tasks that attendees work through to demonstrate how using a good framework vastly improves what you get out of AI. Using the right AI products for your requirements. What kind of tasks to use AI with, awareness of limitations of AI, and how to deal with them. How to audit and categorise priority tasks for usage. AI privacy & safety. Levels of AI deployment and strategic next steps, deployment framework etc..

IT Systems Development & Support

When your business is looking to improve efficiency, control or value to its customers, this frequently involves the introduction of new software. In many instances this can be met by off-the-shelf packages that can provide a cost-effective solution. Where your need requires a specialist solution, we can help. We provide bespoke software development services to our clients, from the initial problem statement through design and development to implementation, training and rollout. Our close-knit team of high calibre business analysis and technology development professionals can quickly interpret your needs and design a solution quickly and effectively to meet your needs.

About Us

Experts in Finance and IT

We provide consultancy services across sectors, with a particular specialism in Financial Services, covering the complete trade lifecycle. Recent engagements include finance system architecture advisory, system development and implementation, process change, and post merger integration planning and support. Clients want consultants who can make an immediate impact and achieve results. We pride ourselves on our honesty, integrity and commitment to our clients to offer the highest quality advice and service at a competitive price.

  • Managing Director

  • Design & Delivery Director

  • Chief Technology Officer

our values


If we don’t think we can help you, we will tell you straight. If we think you are doing it wrong, we will tell you that as well.


We empower our staff and teams to act on their initiative and make their decisions. We will be transparent and genuine in our actions and our communication to you.


Our work requires creativity and innovation, and this means giving our staff the freedom to think and challenge the status quo. We may be small but we think global, and this means working with and respecting diverse cultures, habits, and customs.

Team Spirit

Teamwork is everything. No one person in our company can do it all. We also share in both good and bad times together.


We want our clients to look good. We blow your trumpet before we blow our own.


Because life is just too short to not have fun at work.

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